VideoPills Online

A spotlight on IBSA International Academy’s topics

Know more about the IBSA International Academy.
Goals, methods and focuses

Ecography and infiltration techniques on both upper and lower limbs

Guerrasio 500x500
Saenz 500x500
Aliprandi 500x500
Boffa 500x500
Bong 500x500
Callegari 500x500
Hammer 500x500
Lanza 500X500
La Paglia 500X500
Messina 500X500
Moller 500x500
Palau 500x500
Terslev 500x500

13 physicians from 7 countries

Know more about IBSA and its partners
in the IBSA International Academy-MSK Modules project

Via del Piano, 29
CH 6915
Pambio-Noranco, Lugano
Phone +41 58 360 10 00